Hello from both of us

We are a husband and wife writing team from Southern California. We share a love of rpgs (both table-top and on-line), anime, science-fiction/fantasy, and the Great British Baking Show. Aside from that, we pretty much fit the cliché that opposites attract. Susan is a morning person who enjoys warm weather, while John likes to sleep late and prefers rain. With respect to writing, Susan’s strength lies in written composition, while John is great at plotting and expanding story ideas.

Susan’s blog “Travels, Walks, and Tales” is published on the first Friday of every month. Our books are available on Amazon. You can find the first book of our latest trilogy: The Keyhole Wizard on Amazon at the following link: The Keyhole Wizard.

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You can also contact us by email at: susanruff@emeraldcovepress.com

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